Thursday, January 1, 2009

Hello 2009

Time flies fast , don't you think ? And before you know it , 2008 had come to an end . It was a year filled with new experiences for me. It was the first time i stepped into a Secondary school , having peeps of different age . It was the first time i had a class that felt so warm and welcoming to me . It was the first time i got to know some great seniors . It was the first time i was top 5 in the class . And most importantly to me, an unforgetable moment, full of memories was those 8 months i spent with that someone . It was the first time i fell in love so deeply with someone yet it was also the first time i felt so crushed .

" Some people come into our lives and quickly go. Some stay for a while, leave footprints on our hearts and we are never ever the same. "
It's okay to never be the same, but always be yourself.

2009. It's gonna be my last year with my deardear classmates. I'm positive that it's gonna be a memorable year not only for me but also for them. Also, I'm gonna start afresh and clear everything thats gonna come in between me and my streaming exams . From bad memories to boys to laziness . Tomorrow's the first day of school and I'm not really looking forward to it but the Sec one's are coming and well, i just can't wait to see the new batch of students expecially 1E7 ! =)

I caught the movie twilight with my mum ,like finally. It was nice. Haha, excluding that part where i went screaming inside and i nearly bit my mum's hand. The awkward thing was through out the whole movie, I was shaking for no apparent reason. It wasnt just my hand that was shaking, i was shaking both inside and out. It's like i felt some kind of feeling. Haha, weird huh ? Oh, and i thought Edward Cullen was okay, not like how some girls were so much into him. But i thought he had hot lips. HAHA. Thin, hot, red lips. WOO ~ *grins*

There's so many things to do yet there's not much time left before school actually starts . So it's till here then for today.

Goodbye 2008.

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