Wednesday, January 28, 2009

" One thing i knew, was how love gave someone the power to break you. "
- Bella, New Moon.

And how rather true that sounds . I'm beginning to hate it , when you get sitted early for a movie and you got nothing esle to do but stare into space . And how the memories start coming back , crawling out of its forgotten box . And how that certain day is reminded and how it seems to be replaying , exactly how it had been , over and over again in your mind . And how the feeling creeps its way back to you, crushing whatever that's been mended . And how you'd remembered those sweet old times you've had . And when the movie starts , you come back to reality . Realising what's happening to you , remembering what bitter memories he'd left and trying your very best to convince yourself that he's never gonna change , never gonna be the same sweet guy , you'd fallen for . And what's worse , was realising that you were lying to yourself , that you had been hallucinating all the while .

Guess what day it is , today ? It's the 28th ...
However being around people with smiles on thier faces , every single time , puts a smile on my face and makes every little bit of misery kept into that box . Thanks. =)

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