Wednesday, May 13, 2009

A Round of Applause to Kris Allen

He sang his very own version of Heartless by Kanye West. SOLO on stage, with no band, no backup singers. Just him and his guitar. And ya know, what ? IT WAS AWESOME.
A-W-E-S-O-M-E (!!) A-must-watch okay .

And btw,
Tralalalalalala, and tomorrow's class bbq . Heh, sooo Egg-cited ! I loveloveloveloveee my 2E7 (!!) Today, celebrated Exam-Over-day with lovelies, playing badminton. I had sucha blasttt ! Lol, and Guoyao, watch out eh. I want a rematch . Teehee .
Now that exam's over, i'm starting to worry about my results. Soooo not confident this time, with today's maths & science. Uh-oh .

Sending hearts to my idol,

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