Thursday, June 18, 2009

Sorry for the long MIA . It took me sucha long time to find a nice skin . ;/ i've decided maybe, i'll try livejournal another time cause right now, i'm too lazy/busy to update blogger even. Haha, and plurk ? Nah, laziness again. New blog url ? I'll stick to this till i find a suitable new one.

So a summary of things that have happened since the last update,

1) Funfair - hohoho, the milo dino & home-made cookies were sold out AND We TOPPED the secondary1&2. Also, we came in 2nd in the entire school. Cool ey ? Haha .

2) Band Camp - It was okay, i guess. I got appointed out as ASL(Assistant Section Leader) of F.Horn and also, Recuit IC of QM. Not Happy, =( . I don't want to be the SL, eeww . NO. I want to be in the community next year. But i guess, till then, i'll have to NOT be late for band and also, i'll have to sharpen my F.Horn skills. ;/ oh boy ...

3) I think i'm addicted to Sims 3 . HAHA. FUN, i tell you . Unlike, *coughscoughs* dota. xD

4) My phone is retardedly spoilt, once again. ;/

And that's all. Hoho, Band camp pictures will be updated soon. This is what you get when you lose your USB cable . -.- It's so troublesome to borrow it from a friend, then return it back, then borrow again. You know me, lazyyyyyyyyyy asssss whatttt . Haha.

With lots of love,

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